Monday 17 March 2014

Davidoff Training

Second day of my training trip to the third world country continues.
I start my day with my favorite coffee.
anytime, anywhere..
Memang seksa la tekak sepanjang minggu tue. Makanan halal memang tak ada. Tapi nasib ada bawak bekal megi, sambal ikan ikan bilis dan sambal hijau.
sambal ikan bilis import dari Malaysia
After breakfast, we start our training and it last for 4 hours.
the late Mr.Zino Davidoff
tobacco plant
Its all bout back to basics. From the plant, seeding , fragmentation, to making cigars.Its all made by hand. That's why Davidoff cigars are very well known for their quality! 
ms.connie, me and jea li
 In between time we had a break and most of us took a chance to get to know each other.
This time most of representative has been monopolize by Asian. Asian smokers has grown for years now, and Asian has become  one of big buyers in tobacco business.
Paris, USA,Hong Kong and Malaysia participants

Had a lunch by the pool side. They serve the local dish which i cant eat. So i stick with my "sambal hijau" and plain white rice. Nasib la omputeh ni reti makan nasik.
Habis semua mat saleh nak cuba makan sambal hijau nih. Lepas tu cakap pedas! I did warn them bout it.
this is sambal hijau! spicy and very malaysian!

Done with the lunch. Check out and move to another hotel. It took another 2 hours to reach there.

We did try to stroll around, but there's nothing much to see. And besides they don't really advice us to go anywhere by our self. 
So we end up going back to our room and rest before dinner.
Had our dinner at the pool side and it was nice view.
 cabana at pool side and bbq for dinner

 sambal ikan bilis tetap pembuka selera

 cigars anyone?

After dinner, most of us hit back to the room, still jet leg.. And we have to wake up early for the next day.
On the third day of training, they took us to the plantation farm. I was so excited!
the tobacco farm
 the barn
At the "barn" house, this is where all the tobacco leaf will be left for natural drying.
With the farm owner
Later on we went to Davidoff Factory. Where all the raw material been kept, aged and rolled. Surprisingly most of the workers are women. This is because women are patience and has a sharp eyes.

 Davidoff factory
 they tear off the vain of the tobacco for cigars
 cigar testing
This training program, include cigar testing an chance for us to create our very own cigar blend. It was interesting day for me and the rest of representative. 
That's a wrap for the third day training. It was very informative and interesting.
 I can't wait for the next day!

Till the next entry! 

Lots of love,
Rose Maamor
012 3780825
ig @rosemaamor

Sunday 16 March 2014

Buenos días!

Its been a while I didn't had a chance to update my blog.. Sorry guys. Well you must be wondering where I've been.. Well, I was away for work. As you know, I still work as Tobacco Retailer. The company has been kind to sent me away for a training. 
 I been working in this company for quite sometime, when they decided to send me away to Dominican Republic, I was excited and pleased at the same time! I bet most of you guys never heard this nation.. 
The Dominican Republic is a nation on the island of Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region.

Capital city of Santo Domingo and using Dominican peso.. Population 10.28 million and it was continent of North America. Official language are Spanish!
The journey took me almost 30 hours just to reach there.. Yup!! 30 long hours!!! Am not kidding ya.. That was my first ever experience for very long haul journey..
My flight was scheduled on 12th January,2014 via Malaysia Airlines to CDG,Paris . But the flight was delayed and I have to wait till 2am to catch the flight.
Just imagine everyone was tired, restless and sleepy!
By 7am, Paris time we safely arrived. The moment i step out from the cabin it was freezing cold!

I was expecting to catch a snow.. Tapi memang bukan rezeki ku. It was "hot winter" most of the French were saying.

Once i meet up with the rest of Davidoff Representative, it took us another 10 hours to reach Santo Domingo.
Memang penat sangat. Dah la sepanjang flight tue ada turbulence. Sangat menakutkan. Masa tue memang hanya doa dan tawakal jer lah yang mampu. 
So when the news of missing MH370,  I know how does it feel like on board. Tu baru turbulence, bayangkan perasaan semua penumpang dan anak kapal tu sekarang ini? Mesti sedih dan berbaur perasaan. Doa Rose moga mereka semua nya selamat dan akan kembali ke tanah air segera!
Ok back to the story.. Finally we reach there around 6pm,Santo Domingo time.

Seriously this airport were full with artwork. Even though it was a third world country, but the airport toilet was clean!
Lepas kami semua berkumpul dan dapat bagasi kami, kami dibawa ke hotel. Kami disambut dengan 3 piece band. It was interesting i must say. 

Oh did I mention along this long haul journey, i was wearing my Premium Beautiful corset? Honestly speaking, I was so relief i decide to wear my corset. It really help to support my back! Memang berbaloi sangat pakai Premium Beautiful corset masa dalam flight. Sebab rasa tulang belakang tak berapa lengguh. 
Once we done with our dinner, we hit to our room. Penat jangan cakap la kan!

cant sleep without my teddy!

gift from Davidoff 

 What's going to happen next day? Well stay tune for next entry!

Rose Maamor
012 3780825
ig @rosemaamor

  • Thursday 13 March 2014

    Pray for MH370

    Sudah seminggu negara kita dikejutkan dengan kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airline MH370 penerbangan Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing. Dilaporkan terputus hubugan dengan pengawal traffic udara sejurus memasuki ruang udara Vietnam.
    Pesawat MH370 membawa seramai 227 penumpang dan 12 anak kapal.
    Seluruh warga Malaysia merasakan kesedihan dan masih dalam keadaan terkejut. 
    Bayangkan la kalau diri sendiri atau ada sanak saudara yang menaiki pesawat tersebut.. Hilang entah ke mana. 
    Rose masih teringat masa flight ke Dominican Republic January lepas atas urusan keje. Flight paling lama dalam sejarah hidup Rose. Dari KLIA, menaiki MAS ke CDG,Paris saja sudah ambil masa 13 jam. Transit selama 4 jam kemudian ke Santo Domingo mengambil masa 10 jam. 
    Turbulence saja sepanjang flight. Memang menakutkan. Kapal bergegar sepanjang perjalanan. Nak tidur memang tak tertidur punye la. Tak bole gambarkan perasaan masa tue. 
    Yang terlintas dibenak otak hanyalah doa dan tawakal pada Allah. Mohon agar selamat sampai ke destinasi. Terkadang pula terfikir, jika aku tak selamat macam mana? 
    For those frequent flyer, sometimes we all do have this kinda feelings right? Cause we never knew whats going to happen in future. 
    Could it be our last goodbye to our loved ones? Or is it going to be our last hug and kiss for our kids?
    But since this tragedy all Malaysians of all faith unite in prayers. 
    My regards and prayers for the passangers, families and friends of MH370.

    "Ya Allah, kami memohon padaMu ya Allah.. Jika ia di laut,timbulkanlah, jika ia dilangit turunkanlah dan jika ia didarat tunjukkanlah"